Writing, Traveling, Cooking, Photography, Ballroom Dancing, Music - Classical, Jazz, Sufi.

Written a book on Good Governance of NDA - BJP ‘When Lotus Blooms’
Written a book called SS Diaries to encourage Self expression and the Dying art of Journaling.
Written a book called Today Is My Favourite Day: Unleashing the Power of Optimism
Represented India for the Prestigious International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) US Government’s
most prestigious professional exchange program for International Opinion Leaders established in 1940.
Born in a farmer family I have memories of visiting my farm at Urali Kanchan and actually see my father cultivating sugarcane year after year . But then as my education progressed I got into the standard route that we normally follow to pursue success in life . Finished my mechanical engineering and then started managing my hotel for almost a decade and a half until I realised that all the verticals that I have inherited should be used well . So I went back to my farm with the intention of doing organic farming of those products that can be used as raw material for my hotel .
As I began my trips to my farm regularly with this purpose did I realise the soothing effect that I experienced by being in connect with the soil . In this rat race of pursuit for success & materialistic pleasures somewhere we had not been In harmony with ourselves is what I realised .
I am the son of the soil and son of a farmer too . By actually doing farming I realise the problems of the farmers The challenges that lie in front . Why innovation is needed , why skill development is a must .
I in my capacity will try me best to learn and also propagate new age organic farming .
This will be a step towards nation building from my end .
Yes I'm a farmer and I'm proud of it .